Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson were spotted enjoying a sun-soaked vacation in the Bahamas, radiating happiness as they celebrated their latest life milestone. The...
Nathan Fillion admits he completely misjudged Pete Davidson before they met. Fillion, 52, is celebrating the 100th episode of his ABC-TV series The Rookie,...
It is with a heavy heart that we share the sad news that Pete Davidson, aged 30, has been confirmed to be in a critical...
Pete Davidson’s reckless driving case has been dismissed after he completed a diversion program approximately six months ahead of a California judge’s deadline. In...
Pete Davidson cancels part of his tour and makes a courageous health decision Diagnosed with BPD and PTSD in 2017 Diagnosed with borderline personality...
Pete Davidson opens up about his struggle to quit substances Pete Davidson, 30, opens up about his ongoing struggle with marijuana, admitting he “can’t quit” the...