Exclusive : Travis Kelce is set to be an executive producer for a documentary on the renowned modern artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, who is a personal favorite of mine.

very exciting!
Travis Kelce has signed on as an executive producer for a new documentary on one of my favorite modern artists, Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Basquiat was an extremely well regarded neo-expressionism artist from NYC who was prolific in the 1970s-1980s.
I have seen him referred to as a protege of Andy Warhol, but, in my opinion, this is an inaccurate characterization that diminishes the artistry of Basquiat because he was already an established artist before they met. They were friends and did collaborate on some pieces.
Basquiat was incredibly intelligent and, as such, struggled with the modern world and the conventions of society. He experienced a lot of emotional upheaval in his life and, sadly, became one of several artists in the late 20th and early 21st century who died at the age of 27 (Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, and Amy Winehouse, among others.