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Meghan Markle made a comment this week regarding her last name which caused some controversy.
Prince William’s official title under his father’s reign is the Prince of Wales and he sometimes uses Wales as his last name. However, the prince has held other titles before and, therefore, it’s not the first surname he has been entitled to use.
Most members of the British Royal Family do not use a last name – people with the HRH Prince or Princess title simply do not need one. But when they do, they can either be known by the surname of the Royal Family or the surname of the place/county they represent. In 1917, the late Queen’s father George V specifically adopted the surname Windsor as the name of the Royal ‘House’ and the surname of his family. This decision was made as the previous name of the house of the British Royal Family was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which sounded German and, therefore, at the time, was not well-appreciated by the British people.