In a shocking turn of events, a domestic dispute has escalated into a tragic situation involving a violent altercation. The incident, which occurred late last...
Katt Williams, known for his outspoken and often controversial views, recently publicly endorsed DeVon Franklin. Franklin, who has made a name for himself in Hollywood...
In a charity event held in Las Vegas, fans witnessed a special moment as Taylor Swift showcased undeniable excitement and pride over Travis Kelce’s one-handed...
Allison Holker has found romance once again. A year and a half after her late husband Stephen “tWitch” Boss’ death, the So You...
Katie Holmes was seen chatting on a cell phone when in Brooklyn, New York on Monday. The Rare Object director looked to be in...
Travis Kelce made an early morning dash in a private jet to ensure he was back in Kansas City to receive Sportsperson of the Year...
The mother and sister of pop superstar Mariah Carey have died in a “tragic turn of events”, the singer has confirmed. The pair, named...
The Prince and Princess of Wales have been enjoying a quiet summer with plenty of family time. And in one final trip before Prince...
Margot Robbie and husband Tom Ackerley are getting closer to becoming a family of three! On Monday, Aug. 26, the couple, who is expecting...
Vanessa Bryant accused of racism by not offering Kobe’s $600m estate to the black community Shortly after she announced a scheme to help young...